The Gel Blaster SURGE shoots biodegradable, non-toxic, water based Gellets™ with just enough sting to make it exciting. Gellets™ explode on contac...
Our no mess, no clean-up Gellets™ burst on impact and evaporate in 30 minutes or less. Gellets™ are colorful, water-based beads that are an all-na...
Be ready for a full scale attack with an extra hopper full of Gellets!
Kit Includes:
800 Round Capacity Hopper with Storage Cap
Gray GB Replace...
Kit Includes:
800 Round Capacity Hopper with Storage Cap
Gray GB Replace...
Gel Blaster ® Auto resetting Target...
Be ready for any battle with a Gel Blaster Collapsible Ammo Tub. Gellets™ last indefinitely when dehydrated, and up to three months when submerged...
Quickly show you are in a league of your own with a Gel Blaster SURGE Custom Tip and Fin Pack.
Each Color Pack Includes:
1 Interchangeable Fin...
Each Color Pack Includes:
1 Interchangeable Fin...