DENIXStielhandgranate M24 German Grenade Replica
Handmade pomegranate in wood and metal 35 cm.
The hand grenade was introduced in 1915 and the design was developed during the First World War.
The grenade consisted of a hollow handle with a detonator and an explosive head at one end. Inside the hollow handle, a rope with a porcelain ball was attached to the detonator. The cord was held in place by a detachable hood on the base. To use the grenade, you had to unscrew the top of the base, allowing the ball and the rope to fall. Pulling the rope, she dragged a steel rod through the detonator, causing it to ignite and begin the five-second pre-detonation.
The first hand-held grenades carried the bare rope, came out of the handle near the bottom (instead of being protected in the handle by the removable cover of the base). Ropes thus tended to jam and trigger grenades, causing serious (and often fatal) injuries.
Hand grenades were dismounted in wooden crates (later metal) and the assembly of these was done before the fight. On the grenade is the following reminder: "sprengkapsel Vor Gebrauch einsetzen" (in English: insert the detonator before use).