MadbullM16 Ultimate 3 in 1 Hop Up Unit
M16 Ultimate 3in1 Hop Up Unit
The Ultimate Hopup Unit ever designed
Parts and Materials:
Metal body, includes a famous MadBull blue bucking (60 degree)
- Including a Tracer LED Unit (Optional, Sold separately)
- Chamber Lock, and Easy Adjustment Device.
(1) The LED Tracer Unit: You can buy it separately and attached to the Hopup unit. Use your AEG battery and connect to your Tracer Unit. The LED can brighten the tracer BB when BBs are in the chamber.
(2) Chamber Lock: Designed by Brian Holt. With this new hop up design you will not have to worry about losing and dropping several bbï¾'s with a magazine change. This new design provides you with a way to keep bbï¾'s in your AEG and ready to use and not on the floor and even better it stabilizes the top of the magazine to ensure a secure and flawless feed of bbï¾'s into the AEG.
CAUTION: This hop up unit is designed for the experienced and responsible Airsoft player. With the magazine removed the AEG is still able to fire several bbï¾'s. Always wear safety goggles and treat all Airsoft weapons as if they were loaded.
Look at this Youtube link to see the installation instructions:
oerdegelijke chamber , met alles erbij,makkelijk te installeren .
Geplaatst op 11/01/2025